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FAMILY FEATURE: Savannah Farmer

This month's Family Feature Highlight is Savannah Farmer, who is beginning her term as Sisterhood President!  

How long have you been a member of the CBI Sisterhood community?

Almost two years!

What do you cherish most about being a member of the Sisterhood?

I love and cherish the community we have within sisterhood!

What's one thing you wish more people knew about our community?

I wish that more people knew how powerful it is to be part of such a loving community; Sisterhood is inclusive and a great place to stay connected!

Are there any projects or initiatives you're particularly passionate about within the Sisterhood?

I am really looking forward to revamping our Sisterhood events and utilize the new and beautiful Smith building! Coming back from COVID has been tough and I am excited to connect with new and future members through more in-person events.

How do you envision the future of the CBI Sisterhood?

I envision the future of Sisterhood to be one of innovation, community and connection. Through updated systems and streamlined process, Sisterhood is well on its way to getting back to being a robust and active group that serves our community.

What advice would you give to someone considering joining the Sisterhood?

If you’re looking for a place to get connected, but not sure you have a bunch of free time to commit? Join Sisterhood! Sisterhood is a place for anyone and everyone- no matter your gender, ethnicity or background or time availability!

Could you tell us about the women (or individuals) who have significantly influenced your life and explain their impact?

My aunt is someone I hold close to my heart. She is a huge part of who I am, my Jewish identity, and the example I was given for being a strong, independent woman. She taught me to act with integrity and grace; a living example of Jewish values. She is someone I respect and love and has continued to be a key person I look to for advice and council. 

Bonus: If you love Challah, ask me about my famous recipe!

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