The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Israel enhances the community and spirituality of Congregation Beth Israel, creates an atmosphere of fellowship and friendship, and provides opportunities for members’ personal fulfillment. It also promotes the advocacy of Women of Reform Judaism, an international organization representing over 65,000 women's groups in North America and around the world, providing awareness and action on issues important to the lives of Jewish women.

We are proud of our over 100 year history, powered by women from all generations.

What We've Achieved

  • Participated in social action projects, such as support for Refugee Services of Texas and aiding Homeless Veterans.

  • Raised money for student scholarships to Greene Family Camp and trips to Israel.

  • Joined with the Women of Reform Judaism in advocacy and philanthropy.

  • Supported women's rights around the world through events such as the January 2017 Women's March.

  • Fostered a sense of community and fellowship at CBI through preparing First Friday Dinners and Break Fast.

  • Built friendships with our Sisters through Day Spa for the Soul, Women's Retreats, Leadership Development Events, and more.

personal growth


Jewish community involvement


Jewish study


living Jewish values


fun, food & good times


personal growth | Jewish community involvement | Jewish study | living Jewish values | fun, food & good times |